
C#/WPF technologies, developing custom applications

Continuously since 2004

In the old days I used Delphi, and now I mainly use C# language and WPF technologies to create modern, multi-layer, all-purpose desktop applications. If required, I use database backends, and I can develop applications for business (support, CRM) or corporate (controlling, reporting) needs.

  • 2005. MyInterSQL (Digitalmind Kft.)
    Written in Delphi, database-synchronization program. It synchronized the BI database (that used Firebird) with the webpage (that used MySql) as a scheduled task.
  • 2010. GubaScanner (Guba-Tax Kft.)
    Written in C#, back office support software. The program was capable of using a scanner to scan papers and upload them automatically to the webpage.
  • 2009-2010 BuBBeR (Eötvös Lóránd University)
    Written in C#, the program was capable of analysing gas emissions of bacteria by real-time processing the picture of a camera and by further data calculations. The software results were featured in a reviewed journal article: "Tauber, T., Berta, B., Szabó, Zs., Kovács, J., Márialigeti, K., Tóth, E.M. 2011. A simple and novel volumetric method to metre low gas flows from laboratory-scale bioreactors and its application on laboratory sludge digesters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 90,1453-1461."
  • 2012. UsbWatcher (Óbuda University)
    Written in C#, the program is capable of monitoring the USB devices and reporting any USB activities to a central location (windows service).
  • 2012-2015. Controlling (CE Rent Zrt)
    Written in C#, this software is a WPF application capable of handling and supervising the full loan/leasing business process (using 36 MySql datatables).
  • 2013-2020. GeekDay host (Óbuda University)
    Written in C#, using TCP/UDP/SOAP communication the software is capable of communicating with AI game clients in order to perform various tasks; this server is used every year as the host server of the university GeekDay programming competition, for which I am the main technical organizer.
  • 2014. H-Riport
    Written in C#, this WPF application was created for a government department to migrate the old BI datatables into a modern Oracle/MSSQL database/data cube, in order to produce extensive reports.
  • 2015. CardCreator
    Written in C#, this WPF application was created for another government department to handle the printing of plastic ID cards using an Oracle database.
  • 2015. DataProcessor (GreenGo Car Europe Kft.)
    Written in C#, this WPF software is capable of processing huge volumes of JSON data, and display the data changes over time in a map.
  • 2016-2018. MeriDim2
    Written in C#, this WPF application is capable of communicating with a special medical device in order to perform examinations on patients; and also it is capable of handle all data/reports/evaluations based on the measurement data.